Supported Living Services


Independence Plus provides supported living services to men and women in the Southern California area.

Independence Plus’ supported living services both prepare the client to move out of the family home and support the client in their own home or apartment. Each of our client’s hopes, dreams, and challenges differ and require a 1:1, individualized approach. Our staff work closely with the individual to understand the level of support needed to fully participate in all areas of life, and continuously consider how our instruction, technology, or the environment can be modified to increase independence and enhance adult status.

If the client has not yet moved out of the family home, we can begin supported living services to assist with developing self help skills necessary for independent living.  Our team can also help the client locate an apartment, complete and submit housing applications, apply for SSI, register for affordable housing wait-lists, and even connect with potential roommates.

We understand that the initial transition out of the family home can be challenging. You don’t have to go it alone, contact us today to begin working with a professional who has helped numerous people before you successfully take this rewarding life step.