Picking a provider can be stressful. Making this choice for yourself, family member, or loved one is a big decision! We get it! Which is why we’ve already answered some of the common questions and concerns below. Don’t see your question here? Contact us and we’ll be happy to speak with you.

Q: Who funds the services Independent Plus provides?

A: Independence Plus is vendored with California Regional Centers to provide supported living services to adults with developmental disabilities. This means individuals who are Regional Center clients can receive Regional Center funding if specified in the Individual Program Plan. Independence Plus also provides services to non-Regional Center clients who have alternate or private funding.

Q: What is a Regional Center, and how do I get connected with a Regional Center?

A: The state of California has 21 Regional Centers funded by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) that provide specialized services for people with developmental disabilities such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, or other pervasive developmental challenges.

To become eligible for Regional Center Services, a Regional Center Psychologist must perform an assessment to determine eligibility. Once eligible, the client or family will be provided with a Service Coordinator who will help connect the family or individual with needed supports and services, like Independence Plus!

For more information on California Regional Centers please visit www.regionalcenter.org

Q: How is the level of support determined?

A: Independence Plus performs an assessment to determine the client’s goals and required support. Independence Plus will then submit a formal cost statement to the regional center Service Coordinator making a request for services. The Service Coordinator may also contact Independence Plus to request that a client be evaluated for supported living services.

Q: Are services individualized?

A: Yes. Independence Plus recognizes that each person’s disability contributes to specific challenges that affect the person’s life experiences and perspective, societal view, and level of involvement in adulthood. We use a truly person-centered approach and believe that facilitating incremental successes creates self-esteem and a positive self-view that carries over to other areas of life–opening doors to meaningful friendships, community inclusion, and general independence.

We believe it is imperative for clients to be actively involved in all decisions regarding their life. Independence Plus works with the person, empowering them to take control of, and responsibility for, their lives.

Q: Do you encourage parent involvement?

A: With client consent, we encourage a wraparound approach to services.

Q: What are wraparound services?

A: Wraparound services are individualized community-based services that focus on the strengths and needs of the client. Wraparound services are developed through a team-planning process, where the client and team of individuals who are relevant to the well-being of the client (such as family members, service providers, advocates, educational programs, physicians, and representatives from any involved agency) collaboratively develop and implement an individualized support strategy, known as a wraparound plan.

Q: What is the duration of the services?

A: For regional center funded clients, the duration of services must be agreed upon by the regional center and specified in the client’s Individual Program Plan. The client’s need for services should be evaluated annually with involvement from the Interdisciplinary Team.

Privately funded clients may access services based on their needs and preferences.

Q: How do I appeal a Regional Center Decision or file a complaint? 

A: The Department of Developmental Services believes the California developmental services community is best served by the open exchange of information and opinions. DDS is also committed to providing mechanisms for the resolution of problems and complaints when they arise. A number of formal processes have been established for handling appeals and complaints. 

Contact: DDS Appeals, Complaints & Comments Page